Byway Committee
The Byway Committee is a subcommittee of the Route 66 Association of Missouri, dedicated to the protection, enhancement, and promotion of the Route 66 corridor in Missouri. This mission includes:
A. Corridor Management Plan - Regularly update and maintain foundational documents, as well as provide access to the public.
B. Waymarking - Work closely with state authorities to replace and restore all scenic byway signage.
C. Community Outreach - Partner with local municipalities and businesses to foster ownership of community corridors.
D. Intrinsic Qualities - Forge relationships that will provide long-term stewardship of our historic and cultural resources, as well as our viewsheds.
The following Corridor Management Plan (CMP) was previously prepared for the Missouri Route 66 Association in an effort to make application for the Missouri Route 66 to be recognized as a National Scenic Byway.